Don’t Drown Yourself in Work


It’s easy to do! We all do it.

We drown ourselves in the stresses of life. Wether it’s work, school, internships, volunteering, financial stress, there’s always something that’s getting our attention and focusing it on things we don’t want to do.

I hope to reinforce the fact that life is short and we only get one chance to do what we want, to do what brings us joy.

So step away from that textbook, step away from the paperwork, take a break from the office. Even for just an hour or two. I promise one hour won’t hurt you.

We have to make time for ourselves and our families.

As a mother of a two year old boy, I personally have watched myself put spending time with him on the back burner to catch up on schoolwork or study for an exam, the list goes on.

One day I stopped. It won’t kill me to take a break and make time for this little boy who happens to mean the entire world to me.

One hour spent with him is totally worth losing that hour of study time, because guess what? He won’t remember if mommy got an “A” on an exam, but he will remember begging me to play and being ignored.

I want to encourage you to spend a little less time doing the things that exhaust you and a little more time doing the things that make you happy.

Whatever happiness means to you, you should do that, AT LEAST once a week.

At the end of the day we all have something that we love to do and wish we could be doing more of, but feel like we can’t because,”this has to be done tonight” well truth is, maybe it does. But, there’s always a strong chance that taking a little piece of the day or week to do that thing that makes you smile, will outweigh what “can’t wait till tomorrow.”


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